The Queenship of Mary
Very Rev. Denis Robinson, OSB
August 22, 2016
Blind fools, which is greater, the gold,Today we celebrate the Queenship of Mary, the memorial day on which we remember the fulfillment of the singular promise, made to a woman, made to a maiden, made to poverty that she would gain the world with a simple syllable: Yes.
or the temple that made the gold sacred?
Today throughout the world, statues of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be dolled up in robes and dented crowns and rightly venerated for her unique achievement. We honor the Queenship of Mary with gold adornments, but we are left with Jesus’ question in the Gospel.
Blind fools, which is greater, the gold,or the temple that made the gold sacred?Whom do we honor today?
Certainly, we honor Mary, the young woman of Nazareth who hearing the audacious promise of the angel, took upon herself the task of helping God work out salvation for a thankless people
Mary, the child who had the voice to strengthen the weakened hearts of Israel, suffocating as it was in the desert of its own indifference
Mary, the woman of joy who became the mother of sorrows as she stood helplessly yet fearlessly at the cross of her son
Mary, the woman of prayer, the woman of abandonment, the woman of greatness who humbled herself to the opinions of the short-sighted and small-minded of the earth to be the singular vehicle of God’s wildness
Mary, the woman who knew, who completely understood in a way no other understood the truth of what Jesus said in today’s Gospel.
Blind fools, which is greater, the gold,She knew because she was, she is that temple that made, that makes the gold of our humanity sacred
or the temple that made the gold sacred?
She is that temple from which the Word of God came forth with healing in his wings
She provided that temple within herself in which was nourished the Lord of the Ages.
But in her yes, in her belief, in her acquiescence …
We are also that Temple, we have become that Temple.
Destroyed long ago by the forces of human pride, the temple in Jerusalem could not stand forever, but we can stand forever.
We are that temple upon whose walls echo the strains of the world’s acclamations and its cries.
We are that temple that daily, hourly, offers up the sacrifice, the un-bloody sacrifice that alone can offer a hand outstretched to us, breaking as we are, aimlessly in the whirlpools of life
We are the temple from which the salvation of the Lord breaks forth like the orient on high
We are the temple made of flesh and bone, consecrated, that temple in which the gift of God, insinuated itself into time as flesh and blood, the same flesh and blood we receive today at this altar.
This sacrament is our wealth. This savior who made his mother queen of heaven and earth turns to us today with his inviting hand. He offers us robes in which to doll up and a crown, dented by our folly, but shining nevertheless.
He is calling us to glory as he called her. He is calling up to approach this altar, with fear of God and faith, approach and receive that which made her queen of heaven.
Blind fools, which is greater, the gold,or the temple that made the gold sacred?Blessed are those called now, called to the temple, called to be that temple, called throughout time to the supper of the Lamb.