Sixth Sunday of Easter
May 17, 2020
Very Rev. Denis Robinson, OSB
With one accord, the crowds paid attention to what was said by Philip
when they heard it and saw the signs he was doing.
So much action in the Acts of the Apostles, its very title tells us the nature of the thing.
I was reminded yesterday of the very powerful book titled Markings, a diary written by Dag Hammarskjold, the Secretary General of the United Nations who was killed in a plane crash in 1961.
He wrote: In our age, the road to holiness necessarily passes through the world of action.
In these days, our world, our Church, our age seems, at times, to be frozen. We are fearful. We are anxious. We don’t know what the future holds. We are afraid of going out into the world.
Perhaps we are not so different from the apostles of old, those tireless missionaries we have been hearing about for the past many days in Acts.
What have we learned from their journeys? Here are a few lessons
Things have never been easy
There was an attempt on the life of Paul and Barnabas at Iconium
They were hailed as gods three verses later.
Things are just crazy
Do you ever wonder if the whole world is just going to spin out of control?
School children, church congregants, none can gather
We hear of riots in our cities. But it seems so far away since we haven’t seen Ferdinand in two months
No one can go to the hospital
No one can have a wedding, or a reception
Ordinations are limited to ten or twenty people.
If there is anything we have learned in this quarantine it is this:
That is not the Church. The Church is not supposed to be safe. The Church is a clamoring crowd, a boisterous gang, it is a chance, not a certainty, unless we mean by certainty a constant chance for change.
What are we to think of all of this? What are we to believe about all of this?
There is a singular quirk in the message of the Church:
While everything looks like it’s getting as bad as it can get, we are bound for something…
You all know what that is: We are bound for glory
The Easter season continues to unfold
Things look bad but there is light
With one accord, the crowds paid attention to what was said by Philip
when they heard it and saw the signs he was doing.
The road to holiness necessarily passes through the world of action.
My brothers, how will the missionary spirit we have been inebriated with in these days, pass from this place of isolation into a world of action.
What do we have to offer the world in peril, the world in need, the world in trouble?
The road to holiness passes through the world of action
Brothers, if we cannot find God in this life, so tainted for us these days with the tincture of death
If we cannot obtain happiness in this world, even as the siren cry of lament troubles our ears, dispels the setting of our hearts
If we cannot hope for glory rather than despair
If we cannot aim ourselves toward the target of success
If we cannot find some good in the diseased world
If we cannot love when there appears to be no cause to love
If we cannot live into any reality but the cannot
What hope is there?
If there is no hope there is no action. But when there is action, hope abounds and so the question becomes:
What are we going to do? What will be the signs we offer to a world desperate for signs of action?
This nightmare will come to a close.
What will be our legacy?
The journey is coming to a close and the journey is just beginning.
Soon Paul will wind his way to Rome and a destiny with death on the Via Ostiense.
Soon we will wind our way back to places as far flung Ferdinand.
Soon Jesus will offer some words of encouragement to a world that, while seeming to fly apart is in fact arching toward glory. Our world is arching toward glory and will find its launching pad precisely because we are men of action.
Soon we are going to shine forth, shedding the dark mantle of skepticism and degradation, and putting on the armor of Christ. Rise up brothers
Soon the word will rush in, it is rushing in
Soon the bread will be transformed. And we will be transformed
Soon the wine will intoxicate us with the effervescence of godliness
Soon and now.
The world is not going to hell in a handbasket
There is life and there is hope in this celebration of the Eucharist in and those celebrations of the Holy Mass unfolding at this very moment in thousands of places throughout this troubled world.
Unfolding with only these ten, these nine.
This is the age and this is the era in which all things are to be renewed in the brightness of the living God.
And we are his beacons, living active examples of his faithful care as we are strengthened and enlivened for the glory that is to come.
The road to holiness necessarily passes through the world of action.
Let us pass dear brothers, dear sons, let us pass.