1. Priesthood Promises

    March 10, 2022
    Very Rev. Denis Robinson, OSB

    A Great Cloud of Witnesses

    Tonight, we gather in this makeshift tent of the covenant to witness something permanent from these men whom we have known, sometimes well, sometimes regrettably little, to witness their promises as they advance, finally to the Order of Presbyter.

    I say it is a temporary space, and it is, but when we think about it, isn’t every space we occupy in this world a temporary space for we have here no lasting city.

    And perhaps, in the final analysis, the space we occupy for an event such as the one we are observing tonight is not as significant as the witnesses.

    We have here a great cloud of witnesses

    Tonight, here in this temporary, makeshift space we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. From their places on the walls, the former rectors of this seminary look down. In their days they witnessed thousands of signatures attached to documents of promises, first in Latin and now in English. In their days, they witnessed some triumphs, and some tragedies, the same triumphs and tragedies we witness today. Many of these men were glorious in their success – others, not so much. It remains to be seen what the legacy of the present incumbent of this venerable chair will be, how he will be judged by successive generations.

    A great cloud of witnesses

    Who else is in our midst tonight? From the corner of this tent Our Lady watches, resplendent in blue, towering over the scene, but in truth she seems more attentive to her Son than to our passing need, and that is right and just.

    A great cloud of witnesses

    Here is St. George, he is here as well, one eye on us, and one eye undoubtedly upon his Ukrainian sons and daughters, those who have thrown themselves upon his patronage, that soldier saint. He looks out on us but also upon a world, his world, smoldering on the brink of catastrophe, a landscape destined to witness the folly of human destruction in the wake of sub-human ego, and like St. George we are witnesses to that as well. 

    A cloud of witnesses

    How about our Lord, resplendent here in this temporary space on Giotto’s glorious throne. He is surrounded by angels and saints, they sing, they praise, they are in heaven. Perhaps they are too busy for us with their celestial songbooks, perhaps they inhabit a world already made perfect while we fumble here below, nevertheless, they are witnesses, He is witness.

    A cloud of witnesses

    Peter and Paul, certainly they represent the future work, the future ministry of these men gathered tonight in this temporary space. Paul has fallen down on the road to Damascus, and we can only hope, only pray that conversion and visions, the hearing of God’s voice, that all of these are the future of these men. We can only hope, only pray that they will be struck blind by God’s light over and over again as they traverse the roads of future parishes, communities, countries. We can only pray that conversion, daily conversion in the Lord, will be their lot as it was the lot of Saul.

    But there is also Peter, Peter the doubter, Peter the denier, Peter the fool who made his way home via an inverted cross. How many crosses await our brothers here? How many crosses await each of us? Thousands. That is the answer, thousands and thousands. Crosses of the flesh, crucifixions of the emotions, daily deaths of the spirit. That too is right and just.

    Peter and Paul form also a chorus, that great cloud of witnesses.

    And are there more than these? Certainly, there are. The Church triumphant also casts its enteral gaze upon these men, upon these promises. Who is gathered here tonight? Mothers and Fathers whose lives gave out before this day could be seen. Undoubtedly, they were taken too soon and yet tonight they open the doors and windows of this chapel, your mother is here, your father is here as well as grandparents who totter up to the banks of the river to smile with pride through old tear strained eyes. This is the day they longed for, they hoped for, they prayed and pray for. This Church triumphant gives a witness and it cares, and I know that fathers and mothers and grandparents and so many others are signaling to the saints to step over and hear their son, their grandson say what is on his heart as he promises to be a priest. Tonight, they call out to their celestial friends: Come here and see my son, my grand baby. I am so proud of him. 

    Oh, my brothers and sisters, these are a great cloud of witnesses

    But I wonder, I wonder if the only witnesses needed are already gathered in this room, the Church militant, our simple selves? 

    Here are brothers who have walked with you, laughed with you, prayed with you, prayed for you. Here are brothers who are solid in their commitment to Christ and to Christ in you. Here are brothers who will stand the test of time, who will be with you even in future struggles, in late night calls, in weeping and in screaming at the injustice of the world, but likewise in laughter and joy. There may well be brothers in this room tonight that on some future night will be holding your hand, your wrinkled spotted hand as you hear the words spoken: Well done good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Master.

    That is a great cloud of witnesses

    And there are sisters here, women who will form your lives now and in memory, women who have hopefully taught you the power of the feminine genius, who will support you and strengthen you, cry with you, rejoice with you. Coworkers in the vineyard of the Lord, but who is working for whom may certainly be an object of speculation.

    Here are fathers, priests, formators, teachers who you may never know how much they love you, have devoted hours of prayer for you, worried about you, wept for you.

    A great cloud of witnesses

    And here you are. We know you. I know you. I know what your bravado is hiding. I know the secret hurts in your heart. I know the fears you face in coming into your own as priests. I know that your elegant vestments and golden vessels may be curtains that you hope will hide your weaknesses, but brothers, remember my words, your only strength is embracing your weakness, embracing the cross of Jesus.

    My brothers, tonight you make promises that cannot be undone by the powers of this world, by the enemy of humankind, even by your own folly and so I invite you now, evaporate into this great cloud of witnesses. In these sterile juridical words, be taken up into the cloud of unknowing, unknowing and fully known… even in a temporary space. 

  2. Ash Wednesday

    March 2, 2022
    Very Rev. Denis Robinson, OSB

    Remember that you are dust, and to dust you will return

    As you all know, I can become incredibly obsessed with some things, even mundane things like television shows and movies. My recent cinematic obsession is Belfast, a film about the troubles of the Irish city in the late 1960’s. The film focuses on the little boy named Buddy and the experiences of his family during these troubled times. Perhaps I was moved by it because he is roughly my age though his experiences in war-torn Belfast in no way mirror my childhood in suburbia.

    As violence and bloodshed overwhelm Buddy, his family, and his neighborhood in Belfast, the real story is unfolded for us, that life can be normal, in fact always is normal, even in the midst of turmoil. Buddy is a kid, he wants to fight. He has a trashcan lid he uses for a shield and a wooden sword he made from an old vegetable box.

    There is so much symbolism there: Lost and found, this is the theme of Belfast, what is lost and what is found in every life, in every place, in every time.

    When we think of loss, when we think of suffering, sometimes we need to stand back a little bit. In Lent, we look for symbolic losses, but I wonder if that is what is needed.

    Here is what I say brothers and sisters. We do not need to lose something. We need to find something. But in order to find something we have to know for what we are looking.

    Seek and you will find the Gospel tells us. How can we do that?

    Seek the Lord and in that search find ways to make yourself that greater man or that greater woman.

    Find the true, the noble means of conversion, a conversion that touches not only the body and the habit, but the soul. Find a conversion of thinking, a conversion of values and valuation.

    Try and find in this Lent a spirit of gratitude, an understanding that the world has not been given to me as my sole prize. Find the understanding that I do not write the code of values by which this world operates, that reality has been given over to the Living God and I am merely his instrument.

    Find ways to learn to love yourself, in your authentic self, learn to love yourself more. How many of us are drawing on false ideals of the self in realizing our Lenten schemes? We believe the lies about ourselves because we learned them so young and we were so impressionable.

    Here is what I say:

    How many ugly scripts are you rehearsing in your mind today and every day? How many lies were you told as a kid and now relive every single waking moment and sometimes in your dreams? How many of us had parents that may have tried hard, may have tried hard but ended up hurting us by abuse, or more probably neglect? How many of us suffered loss, death, divorce, separation, alienation?

    Somehow, my brothers and sisters, we must learn to put aside the hateful scripts that we memorized as a child. This is something to give up for Lent. You must learn to arm yourself not with the intentional or unintentional slights of others, but with the true armor of God’s mercy, his kindness, and his unfailing positive regard for you. Those of you preparing for priesthood, this is your only hope for success.

    And what does this look like? It often looks more like the cross than so-called penances. Our silly Lenten penances are often just the ratification of ugly scripts that we have been rehearsing for years. The purpose of Lent is leanness, leanness of thought and action so that we can understand and act upon the Truth. It is putting aside the fat of lies and looking Love straight in the face and saying: That is me. I deserve that.

    It doesn’t matter if I have had trouble in school.

    It doesn’t matter if I wore thick glasses at a ridiculously young age.

    It doesn’t matter if I was slow and ridiculed

    It doesn’t matter if I was a nerd and ridiculed

    It doesn’t matter if I was too smart and ridiculed

    It doesn’t matter if I struggle with porn

    It doesn’t matter if I struggle with the bottle

    It doesn’t matter if I struggle with sexual identity

    What matters is that I struggle and never give up.

    Remember that you are dust, and to dust you will return

    But first …

    Find in yourself self-respect, the kind of self-respect that allows you to give respect to others, not making yourself small, but making others greater. As a great author once said: Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go.

    There is letting go and there is re-grasping because:

    Remember that you are dust, and to dust you will return

    What can we do?

    Give something:

    Your comments in class today were really good.

    Your witness in the chapel is very positive.

    Your little homily in the house meeting really meant something to me.

    Understanding the power of positive regard, sending a thank you note for nothing in particular, all of these cost you nothing but they make the day of the recipient, the brother or sister who needs a boost.

    Find in yourself the meaning of the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do to you, you in your complete mystery, you in God’s understanding of you.

    Find in this lent not the destitution of sackcloth and ashes but the living fountain of life, which is Christ Jesus, then you will know even as you are known. 

    Find out who you are and begin to live into that greater reality that greater way which the prince of peace has gathered from the byways of life into the highway of authentic human being.

    Be like Buddy, the little fellow in Belfast who wanted to fight for his people, his parents, his brother, his grandparents, his friends, even if it only men arming himself with a trashcan lid and a wooden sword.

    During this Lent, find a way to let your light shine, because I know it is there.

    Remember that you are dust, and to dust you will return

    Just not yet …

  3. Ash Wednesday Rector's Conference

    March 2, 2022
    Very Rev. Denis Robinson, OSB

    Preparing for Lent

    I would like to begin my conference today by reflecting a moment on the life of St. Therese of Lisieux. I want to start with a personal story. When I was in my early twenties, I had a good job working for a bank in Memphis. The job was downtown and every day I would drive from my house in midtown to the downtown area along Jackson Avenue. I knew the path well. Being a parishioner at the Cathedral parish, I never really had a reason to visit the parish on Jackson Avenue that I passed every day. It was dedicated to St. Therese of Lisieux. I never really thought about it and, in truth, I found the writings of the saint, which I had perused in my earlier years to be somewhat saccharine, or so I thought. Around the age of 23 I began to get the bug for priesthood, and I was very confused. I did not want to think about priesthood. I liked my work at the bank, and I liked my life. I was a good Catholic and I wanted, frankly, for God to leave me alone. But God would not leave me alone. He would not leave me alone at all. During this time of confusion, I became accustomed to stopping on my way home each day at the parish church of St. Therese on Jackson Avenue. Once I had started visiting, I found the church to be so welcoming and warm. I started going to afternoon Mass there. I met some old ladies which is always a sign of beatitude. The church was an oasis of peace for an increasingly troubled soul like mine. On the right side at the front was a lovely statue of the patroness and each time I visited or went to Mass, I admired it until one day I knelt in front of the statue and simply said. St. Therese, tell me what to do.

    That is all I said and the next day it was announced that my spiritual director, the priest from the cathedral whom I admired so greatly was named the pastor of St. Therese parish. I decided that I had better go to the seminary and so I did. During my years of formation, I was assigned every break and every summer to work at St. Therese parish. I loved it. I loved the people there. I loved the old neighborhood. I loved the smell of the church. I said my first Mass there. I have always considered that place my spiritual home and that lady, St. Therese to be my sister, my friend.

    During this season of Lent, I want to recommend that all of us might give this lady a second, or ninth look. As I have said so often about other things in other contexts, there is much more there than meets the eye. In so many ways, I see St. Therese as a kind of patroness of Lent. She has so much to offer us so let’s take advantage of it. In light of that patronage, I would like to make several suggestions for our Lenten observance this year.

    You already know that I do not favor heroic Lents. I prefer Lents that are steady and sources of real and lasting conversion. I prefer to think about Lent as a kind of intensification of how our lives ought to be at all times, as the Holy Rule says:

    I paraphrase: 1 The life of a seminarian ought to be a continuous Lent. 2 Since few, however, have the strength for this, we urge the entire community during these days of Lent to keep its manner of life most pure 3 and to wash away in this holy season the negligences of other times. 

    The negligences of former times. Here we have something to think about. Let me raise five issues that I want to highlight for this community as we begin the annual observance for Lent. The first is house quiet. We have policies and I would say, for the most part, these policies are observed. Not at all times, however. What does it say about us, when one of our recent guests asked me why people were screaming in the hallways after a banquet one evening? I don’t know how to answer that but I do wonder if the external decorum and I might say sobriety of a community is something of a marker for its internal ideals. Are we known as a party school or worse as a drunken school? I hope not but I wonder what kind of message about Saint Meinrad guests like our friend the other day takes back to his home community about the way Saint Meinrad seminarians behave? House quiet is there for a purpose, to help you and me study and pray. So…

    Prayer is another Lenten goal for us. We want to pray more, we want to do more. Or at least we say we do, but are we taking our prayer life and its cultivation seriously. The Little Flower’s words on prayer seem right to me:

    For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy.

    In looking at the evaluations, I believe many of us are not necessarily content with our prayer life and I think this is good. We should never be content with our prayer life because prayer instills in us a desire for God that can never be quenched. Your main work here is to cultivate and indeed yearn for a solid life of prayer that is ever-evolving. It must be so or you will be completely unable to sustain your ministry for the future. Your ministry means nothing if prayer is not its center and its fuel. I encourage you to try new ways of praying and I have asked Isaac to help us in this by introducing some devotional activities for our edification as we begin to move through Lent. Prayer must be solid in us as we advance to ordination. Can we use this Lent to correct the negligences of former times?

    This is also true of adoration. Every day for at least an hour, our Lord presents himself in a privileged way to us. Is adoration the only way to encounter the Risen Lord? Certainly not. But it is an important way and one which invites the participation of the whole community. Here are some words from St. Therese:

    Do you realise that Jesus is there in the tabernacle expressly for you – for you alone? He burns with the desire to come into your heart… Don’t listen to the demon; laugh at him, and go without fear to receive the Jesus of peace and love.

    I recommend a few emendations to our usual practice. The first change is being there. During Lent this year, I would like for the whole community to make it a priority to be present at least for the Tuesday and Thursday afternoon adorations. When I say make it a priority I mean be there. I know some don’t get out of class until a bit after four. Be there. I want to extend this “invitation” in a particular way to our deacons who have the responsibility of showing all of us the way in very focused terms. The second change in practice I would like is trying to avoid too much external reading. Try to focus on spiritual reading or lectio or the Jesus prayer. These are some challenges that might spill over into Easter, who knows?

    Another challenge I have for these days of Lent is intentionality. If you are like me, you may need to focus a bit more on your daily activities, getting things done, being economical in our engagement with one another not for the sake of brevity of encounter, but so that the daily and somewhat mundane transactions can be realized so that more meaningful encounters may take place. This is the time to really engage with our brothers and sisters here, to offer a listening ear or a consoling shoulder. This is the time for cultivating your capacity for compassion. You should have compassion. You should have the occasional gift of tears. There is a great deal of need in this place. I know that and I want us to be present for one another in a more intentional way. I want us to spend less time playing together and more time praying together, less time gossiping together and more time being present to one another in a truly meaningful way. I want us to put away needless bickering and complaining and let our speech fully honor God.

    Finally, there is sacrifice. You may say that in being here, in pursuing priesthood, or religious life or even the married life that you are making a sacrifice. Let’s be honest; none of us here are suffering from any material deprivation. We all have food and shelter and clothing and I would say a great deal more, indeed a great deal more than we need. But, I don’t know that giving up material things is the way to sacrifice, it always strikes me as somewhat artificial. St. Therese said: Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be and becoming that person.

    I believe the real sacrifice comes from giving up my opinions about things and my need, my sometimes desperate need to be heard. Ultimately, the vocation for which we are preparing, or that we are presently living is a vocation of being a mouthpiece, but not a mouthpiece of our own minds and wills, a mouthpiece for God’s mind and God’s will, which I can assure you is probably very different from our own. God wants to use us as his instruments to heal the world. That is a truth so often unfathomed in our time. God wants us to be his healing and his love in the world. It takes some putting away in order to achieve that and perhaps we never do achieve it completely.

    Again, St. Therese:

    Miss no single opportunity of making some small sacrifice, here by a smiling look, there by a kindly word; always doing the smallest right and doing it all for love. A word or a smile is often enough to put fresh life in a despondent soul. Remember that nothing is small in the eyes of God. Do all that you do with love.

    Finally, I would like to mention two intentions to help us focus our prayer and sacrifice this Lent. The first is that I would like all of us to consider deeply the suffering of the people of Ukraine. I want us to do more than consider it. I want us to find a concrete way to help this suffering people. I want us to uncover some missionary zeal for the people of Ukraine. Uncovering ways to assist those suffering seems like a worthy pursuit for Lent. 

    Secondly, I want us to pray in a very focused way for priests. Priests are living through a time of serious trouble. Every one of us here knows that very well. There are doubts about long-lived vocations. There is the continual assault we receive in the press, in our communities, sometimes in our own families. Priests, we are told, are burning out rapidly. They are responsible for three, four, five parishes. Nothing seems to give. They, we, are doing so much and yet cannot seem to do enough. Our priests need our help. What better mission could we offer than to pray for priests.

    It is interesting that the Little Flower had these two things in mind as well, mission and priests as the source of her concern and prayer. Although she passed from this world at the age of 24, she made a vow during her short life I think of her words written near the end of her life:

    When I die, I will send down a shower of roses from the heavens, I will spend my heaven by doing good on earth.

    More than 35 years ago now, God led me to her altar, to her feet to offer myself to the Church as a priest. I do not feel like I have accomplished very much, but I do feel that I have tried so hard to fulfill God’s will and make the Little Flower proud of me.

Fr. Denis Robinson, OSB
Fr. Denis Robinson, OSB
Fr. Denis Robinson, OSB

Fr. Denis Robinson, OSB, is president-rector of Saint Meinrad School of Theology in St. Meinrad, IN. A Benedictine monk, he is also an assistant professor of systematic theology. A Mississippi native, Fr. Denis attended Saint Meinrad College and School of Theology, earning a bachelor's degree in philosophy in 1989 and a Master of Divinity in 1993. From 1993-97, he was parochial vicar for the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Memphis, TN. He joined the Saint Meinrad monastery in August 1997. Fr. Denis also attended the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, where he received a master’s degree in theology in 2002, a licentiate in sacred theology in 2003, and doctorates in sacred theology and philosophy in 2007.

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