Rector's Conference
Second Sunday of Easter
Easter Tuesday
Priesthood Promises
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday Rector's Conference
Deacon Promises
St. Scholastica
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Feast of the Presentation - Candlemas
Opening Day - Spring Term 2022
St. Therese of the Child Jesus
Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Memorial of St. Gregory the Great
Feast of St. Bartholomew
Opening Day & Blessing of the Faculty
Saint Meinrad Summer Update
Rector's Conference, 2020-2021 Formation Year
Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord
Priesthood Promises
Deacon Promises
Chair of St. Peter
Feast of St. Agatha
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Baptism of the Lord
Christmas Weekday
Is This Who We Are?
Solemnity of the Epiphany
The Nativity of the Lord: Mass During the Night
Christmas Greetings
Christ the King
Mass for Declaration of Candidacy
Sts. John de Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues and Companions
Second Rector's Conference, 2020-2021 Formation Year
Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Memorial of St. Denis & Companions
Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Feast of the Archangels
First Rector's Conference, 2020-2021 Formation Year
Friday of the Twenty-Fourth Week in Ordinary Time
Triumph of the Holy Cross
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Memorial of St. Gregory the Great
Mass for Opening Day
Evening Prayer, Blessing of the Faculty, and Opening of the Fall Term
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Memorial of St. Pius X
Feast of the Transfiguration
Feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola
A Note on Leadership
Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul
Theological Reflection
Tuesday of the Twelfth Week of Ordinary Time
Notes from Saint Meinrad - 6/8/2020
Trinity Sunday
Notes from Saint Meinrad - 6/1/2020
Feast of St. Philip Neri
Notes from Saint Meinrad - 5/18/2020
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Notes from Saint Meinrad - 5/14/2020
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Notes from Saint Meinrad - 5/9/2020
Notes from Saint Meinrad - 5/7/2020
Notes from Saint Meinrad - 5/4/2020
Notes from Saint Meinrad - 5/4/2020
Notes from Saint Meinrad - 4/30/2020
Homily for Easter Weekday
Rector's Conference
Notes from Saint Meinrad - 4/23/2020
Notes from Saint Meinrad - 4/20/2020
Divine Mercy Sunday
Notes from Saint Meinrad - 4/16/2020
Notes from Saint Meinrad - 4/13/2020
Easter Vigil Mass
Holy Week Retreat - Holy Saturday - 4/11/2020
Holy Week Retreat - Good Friday - 4/10/2020
Holy Thursday
Holy Week Retreat - Holy Thursday - 4/9/2020
Holy Week Retreat - Wednesday of Holy Week - 4/8/2020
Holy Week Retreat - Tuesday of Holy Week - 4/7/2020
Holy Week Retreat - Monday of Holy Week - 4/6/2020
Notes from Saint Meinrad - 4/6/2020
Notes from Saint Meinrad - 4/4/2020
Notes from Saint Meinrad - 4/2/2020
Notes from Saint Meinrad - 3/30/2020
Notes from Saint Meinrad - 3/26/2020
Notes from Saint Meinrad - 3/23/2020
Notes from Saint Meinrad - 3/21/2020
Notes from Saint Meinrad - 3/18/2020
Notes from Saint Meinrad - 3/18/2020
Monday of the Fifth Week of Lent
Solemnity of the Annunciation
Thursday of the Second Week of Lent
Monastery Lenten Conference
Ash Wednesday Conference
Ash Wednesday Mass
Deacon Promises
Presentation to the Board of Overseers
Fr. Denis Robinson, OSB
Fr. Denis Robinson, OSB
Fr. Denis Robinson, OSB

Fr. Denis Robinson, OSB, is president-rector of Saint Meinrad School of Theology in St. Meinrad, IN. A Benedictine monk, he is also an assistant professor of systematic theology. A Mississippi native, Fr. Denis attended Saint Meinrad College and School of Theology, earning a bachelor's degree in philosophy in 1989 and a Master of Divinity in 1993. From 1993-97, he was parochial vicar for the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Memphis, TN. He joined the Saint Meinrad monastery in August 1997. Fr. Denis also attended the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, where he received a master’s degree in theology in 2002, a licentiate in sacred theology in 2003, and doctorates in sacred theology and philosophy in 2007.

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