Rector’s Conference

April 24, 2022

Very Rev. Denis Robinson, OSB

Last week, I was particularly taken with the homily of Deacon Thayer in which he quoted Pope Francis:

Pope Francis says that the most beautiful experience we can have is: "to belong to a people walking, journeying through history together with their Lord who walks among us. We do not walk alone. We are part of the one flock who walks together."  

For me, it was one of those “AHA” moments, an opportunity to hear the Word of God speaking very directly and very hopefully to us, as a People of God, as the Church. We have now arrived once more in the season of Easter, for the next 43 days we will be given the singular opportunity to meditate on the mystery of the resurrection.

Second Sunday of Easter

April 24, 2022

Very Rev. Denis Robinson, OSB

Easter always makes me feel rather nostalgic because Easter is a nostalgic time, remembering childhood egg hunts and little seersucker suits.

Remembering going to Church on sunny days, it always seemed to have been sunny.

Remembering that fake shiny Easter basket grass that was undoubtedly carcinogenic 

Remembering the spiral cut ham which you never realized why it was important that it was spiral cut.

Easter Tuesday

April 19, 2022

Very Rev. Denis Robinson, OSB

St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel

Two very distinct outfits lay neatly across the equally neat chenille bedspread in his room. One was a fake fur bunny costume complete with ears and feet (after all a real fur bunny costume would be far too expensive for the once a year it was employed) and an impeccably pressed pink seersucker suit and Easter egg bow tie.

Priesthood Promises

March 10, 2022

Very Rev. Denis Robinson, OSB

A Great Cloud of Witnesses

Tonight, we gather in this makeshift tent of the covenant to witness something permanent from these men whom we have known, sometimes well, sometimes regrettably little, to witness their promises as they advance, finally to the Order of Presbyter.

Ash Wednesday

March 2, 2022

Very Rev. Denis Robinson, OSB

Remember that you are dust, and to dust you will return

As you all know, I can become incredibly obsessed with some things, even mundane things like television shows and movies. My recent cinematic obsession is Belfast, a film about the troubles of the Irish city in the late 1960’s. The film focuses on the little boy named Buddy and the experiences of his family during these troubled times.

Ash Wednesday Rector's Conference

March 2, 2022

Very Rev. Denis Robinson, OSB

Preparing for Lent

I would like to begin my conference today by reflecting a moment on the life of St. Therese of Lisieux. I want to start with a personal story. When I was in my early twenties, I had a good job working for a bank in Memphis. The job was downtown and every day I would drive from my house in midtown to the downtown area along Jackson Avenue. I knew the path well.

Deacon Promises

February 24, 2022

Very Rev. Denis Robinson, OSB

This you have been called to do, so you may receive a blessing as your inheritance.

My brothers and sisters, our gathering this evening speaks volumes about the ideal of vocation. What are we called to do?

The project of realizing a vocation is the true human project, no matter if that vocation is understood as being in the Church, in married life, in the world, wherever and however it may be.

St. Scholastica

February 10, 2022

Very Rev. Denis Robinson, OSB

“Lord, even the dogs under the table eat the children’s scraps.”

Scraps, crumbs, leftovers. 

It is odd how images get into your head or how scenes from the past get randomly reconstructed in your mind by some word spoken or something seen. 

Last weekend when Fr.

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

February 13, 2022

Very Rev. Denis Robinson, OSB

Blessed are the … 

If you google the words “beatitudes poster” you will get several thousand hits, one more beautiful than the other, I dare say. Some are ‘protestant beatitudes” some are “catholic beatitudes” and some are just generic beatitudes. Some have pretty landscapes, some dancing children and others, happy old people. None are particularly threatening, at least of the couple of hundred I perused.

Feast of the Presentation - Candlemas

February 2, 2022

Very Rev. Denis Robinson, OSB

There is a wonderful quote by the American literary critic, Barbara Johnson. 

"Faith is seeing light with your heart when all your eyes see is darkness."

How appropriate for our feast today. 

When we look at our ancestors in faith, their eyes saw only darkness. 

From the sin of Adam, the time of our first parents, in shame the light had been cut off from the world.
Fr. Denis Robinson, OSB
Fr. Denis Robinson, OSB
Fr. Denis Robinson, OSB

Fr. Denis Robinson, OSB, is president-rector of Saint Meinrad School of Theology in St. Meinrad, IN. A Benedictine monk, he is also an assistant professor of systematic theology. A Mississippi native, Fr. Denis attended Saint Meinrad College and School of Theology, earning a bachelor's degree in philosophy in 1989 and a Master of Divinity in 1993. From 1993-97, he was parochial vicar for the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Memphis, TN. He joined the Saint Meinrad monastery in August 1997. Fr. Denis also attended the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, where he received a master’s degree in theology in 2002, a licentiate in sacred theology in 2003, and doctorates in sacred theology and philosophy in 2007.

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